Is the Christ's thorn poisonous?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 20 April 2024
Is the Christ's thorn poisonous? - Garden
Is the Christ's thorn poisonous? - Garden


The Christ thorn belongs to the wolf milk plants

Is the Christ's thorn poisonous?

The botanical name for the rather easy to clean Christdorn is Euphorbia milii. He belongs to the Euphorbia. These are also called milkweed plants and these are all poisonous. Correspondingly, of course, the Christ's thorn is poisonous.

It is by no means within the reach of small children or pets. The milk-like plant juice irritates skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, you should also be careful when repotting or pruning your Christ's thorn. After a drought, during which you pour your Christ thorn a little less, he will delight you with abundant flower abundance. The exact time you can control with the help of the illumination duration.

The essentials in brief:


Since the Christ thorn is one of the most poisonous plants, it is not suitable for homes with small children. He should be absolutely out of their reach.