Share Bloodflower - Tips for Propagation by Division

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 20 April 2024
CN S Liv Animation "Shimmering Spiral" Reaction! - Punishing: Gray Raven (战双帕弥什)
Video: CN S Liv Animation "Shimmering Spiral" Reaction! - Punishing: Gray Raven (战双帕弥什)


Blood flowers can not be shared every year

Share Bloodflower - Tips for Propagation by Division

Blood flowers are quite easy to multiply themselves. Either pull them from seed or you divide the plant. When to do the division best and what to pay attention to when sharing a blood flower.

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Pull out new blood flowers by dividing

The bulb of the flower develops with good care small bulbs. From these new blood flowers can be drawn. When separating the onions, however, you have to pay attention to a few things.

The best time to share

The blood flower is best shared in the spring. Convenient is the time when you need to take the plant anyway for repotting the planter.

However, you are not allowed to divide a blood flower every year. Wait at least three years for the plant to recover.

Do not share too small shoots

The blood flower should not be too small.Only when the plant has reached a pot size of about 40 centimeters, it survives the sharing well.

Only bred bulbs, which have already developed quite strong shoots, are separated. Small, weak shoots do not produce flowers later.

So plant the split onions

The pot for the offshoots should neither be too big nor too small. If the pot diameter is slightly larger, you may like to plant several bulbs next to each other. The flower flowers are then particularly decorative.

When planting, make sure that the delicate roots of the flower are not damaged. Do not completely cover the onions with soil. The tip should protrude slightly above the substrate.

Place the pots in a very warm and bright location. Avoid direct sunlight. Ideal are temperatures of about 20 degrees. Young plants should not be brought outside in the first months of summer, but rather kept protected in the flower window.


Attention! The onions of the flower contain various alkaloids and are therefore poisonous. Therefore keep the onions of the flower flowers out of the reach of children and pets.